There is very little chance that your new Kia Soul is going to die on you anytime soon, but there are other circumstances besides engine trouble that can leave you in need of some assistance.
That is where the Kia Soul toll free roadside assistance program, and extension of the new vehicle limited warranty, comes into play.
With Kia Road Assistance for your Soul, you can get help with flat tires, battery jump start, empty fuel tanks, and more.
The day that you take the keys of a brand new Kia vehicle is the moment that the Roadside Assistance program goes into effect.

Let’s take a quick look at what you get with this great program, which is staffed via a hotline 24/7/365:
1. Kia Soul emergency towing: Assuming that your vehicle has become inoperable due to a warrant related issue, your car will be towed to the nearest Kia dealership or service station.
2. Kia Soul fuel delivery assistance: Kia will bring you 2 gallons of gas, up to 2 times a year, when your vehicle runs out.
3. Kia Soul lock out assistance: If you find yourself locked out of your vehicle, Kia will send out someone that will get you back inside. You will be responsible for the cost of a replacement if the key is damaged or lost.
4. Kia Soul trip interruption: If you have a vehicle breakdown due to a warranty covered mechanical failure, and you are 150 miles or more from home, Kia will cover the cost of food, lodgings, and transportation up to $100 per day for 3 days.
5. Kia Soul flat tire change and jump start assistance is also available, but will cost you $75 (maximum) per incident.
For more information on the Kia Roadside Assistance program, check out the warranty booklet.
Be sure to read the “What is Not Covered” section in order to see which types of assistance are not part of the Kia Soul roadside assistance program.
Kia Roadside assistance for Kia Soul – how long?
The Roadside Assistance program is good for 5 years or 60,000 miles, whichever of the two comes first. The program begins the first day that the first owner takes possession of the car.
The Roadside Assistance Program can be transferred from one Kia owner to another without the buyer or seller really having to do too much.
It is also possible to purchase extended warranties that will allow the program benefits to be valid beyond the normal expiration.
How to contact the Kia factory roadside assistance
To receive roadside assistance, just call 1-800-333-4Kia (4542). and a Kia roadside assistance service representative will help you with your needs.
If you have any concerns or comments you can mail them to Consumer Assistance Center Kia Motors America, Inc. at P. O. Box 52410, Irvine CA 92619-2410.
I bought my car from a dealer it just hit 30,000 miles I called the roadside assistance and they told me my VIN cannot be found…They told me to have my insurance company call them to verify, I did , but wanted to know how can I purchase or is it included since car still under warranty,…No one seem to know .. please contact me at 404..447.8935